Campaigns allow you to limit display of ads based on time, impressions or clicks
iJoomla Ad Agency allows you and your advertisers to create campaigns, which are a grouping of ads by one advertiser that are limited by clicks, impressions or time.
Both you and the advertiser can
- Choose which ads to place in a campaign.
- Select the start date and even pause the campaign, if necessary.
- To ensure the integrity of the ads posted by advertisers on your site, no ad will be viewable by the public until you launch the campaign.
- Advertisers can renew expired campaigns
- Advertisers and admin can view campaign history
- Advertisers can delete expired campaigns (these campaigns are still visible on back-end)
- Admin can specify campaign end date
Joomla advertising extension campaign screenshots:
1. Back-end
Campaigns Manager

Edit Campaign

2. Front End
"My Campaigns" page

Campaign Details Page